Thursday, April 22, 2010

AMY VS. the GIANT...

a conversation with my Dad at my house yesterday...

amy: WHAT is THAT?
dad: It's your new bike honey...Happy Birthday...
amy: THAT better NOT be MY new bike...
dad: You said you wanted a new bike...
amy: NOT THAT BIKE- TAKE IT BACK, I don't want it...
dad: Of Course you don't want it honey, now open the garage...
amy: There is no reason on Gods green Earth for me to have a bike like that...
dad: Of Course there isn't honey, now open the garage...
amy: Dad, seriously, I'm going to kill myself on that THING...
dad: You're being silly honey, now open the garage...
amy: FINE! But when I end up UNDER this thing as opposed to on it, you're going to be sorry...
dad: You'll be fine honey...just wait til I'm gone before you try riding it...

amy: WHY??

dad: Because honey, I've seen you ride a bike and  I don't want you to scratch the paint on MY car when you fall...



  1. If that's true, you are going to make a great tree hugger just like me. Can't wait for the forest!

  2. Hahahaaa... too funny :-)

    I think we're all in the same boat here. I'm okay with riding my bike around here, but when you put me in the woods, I end up running over a twig and falling... YIKES!!!

    Lets just all keep our fingers crossed that we stay on our bikes next week and make it through the challenge.
    I'm kind of nervous... now that we're talking about it!
